Achieve more control over employee record with Satya Payroll Software
Payroll is a record of the payment made to the employees against their services. The role of payroll is vast for any company. From the accounting point of view, the payroll or payroll taxes is significant because it determines the actual income or you can say a net income of the company. It is also subject to laws. As per the business ethics, the role of Payroll is vital and it ensures the accurate remuneration to the employees without any regularities and with accurate deduction. Timely remittance of payment ensures better future of the company ahead.
Satya Payroll Software, a unique platform that manages the Records, Attendance, Payment, Provident funds and ESI with the help of single integrated system. Till date, it has been acknowledged that, each department of any company or organization has its own system and they optimize separately in their own ways. This system proves to be quite annoying while, sharing data among different departments. To simplify this task, Satya Payroll is specifically designed as an integrated software program which runs on a single database and gives opportunity to share the basic information in all the departments of the company. It’s an integrated approach that allows easy communication between the various departments.
The actual purpose of this integrated software is to minimize the hassle of sharing information and reduce the communication gap
between the departments. Such system support is the acknowledgement of ones own drawbacks, on which the company can focus to improve
it. Satya Payrolls supports to acknowledge the actual difference in the working procedure between departments. Targeting the loop
holes and thus, minimizing it to improve the productivity is what Satya Payroll is all about.
Satya is about creation, deletion and to save the employee records. Facility to check own status is also provided through login
system. Employees can check their payroll status, simply by logging in.
Customized with Dynamism